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cmdline [2017/12/13 19:16]
cmdline [2019/02/18 18:47] (current)
Nachteule Adding modules-load parameter description
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 //I'm not sure if this list is complete// //I'm not sure if this list is complete//
-The following shows all additional options the XBian command line ''​cmdline.txt''​ offers:+The following shows all additional options the XBian command line ''​cmdline.txt'' ​respective ''​boot.scr.txt''​ for Cubox-i/​Hummingboard ​offers:
   * ''​noresizesd''​ disables the automatic SD resize to full capacity.   * ''​noresizesd''​ disables the automatic SD resize to full capacity.
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   * ''​noconvertsd''​ won't convert the EXT4 filesystem to BTRFS. Convertion will run only if ''​rootfstype=btrfs''​ is specified and actual filesystem is EXT4. The actual location of the root partition is not relevant. XBian will convert the USB stick or external hard drives it is booting from (if the actual filesystem is still EXT4 and BTRFS is specified in cmdline.txt).   * ''​noconvertsd''​ won't convert the EXT4 filesystem to BTRFS. Convertion will run only if ''​rootfstype=btrfs''​ is specified and actual filesystem is EXT4. The actual location of the root partition is not relevant. XBian will convert the USB stick or external hard drives it is booting from (if the actual filesystem is still EXT4 and BTRFS is specified in cmdline.txt).
   * ''​root=''​ this parameter can not only hold device path's but also partition labels ''​root=LABEL=xbian-root-btrfs'',​ UUID's ''​root=UUID=12345-0123-10234''​ or PARTUUID'​s ''​root=PARTUUID=abcdefab-02''​   * ''​root=''​ this parameter can not only hold device path's but also partition labels ''​root=LABEL=xbian-root-btrfs'',​ UUID's ''​root=UUID=12345-0123-10234''​ or PARTUUID'​s ''​root=PARTUUID=abcdefab-02''​
-  * ''​rootfsopt=noatime,compress=lzo''​ specifies additional mount options for the root partition.+  * ''​rootflags=subvol=root/​@,​autodefrag,compress=lz4''​ specifies additional mount options for the root partition.
   * ''​rootwait=10''​ specifies the maximum number of seconds the initramfs should wait until a root device has become available. Especially handy for booting from external USB or HDD devices.   * ''​rootwait=10''​ specifies the maximum number of seconds the initramfs should wait until a root device has become available. Especially handy for booting from external USB or HDD devices.
   * ''​splash''​ shows the XBian splash.   * ''​splash''​ shows the XBian splash.
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   * ''​telnet''​ will start a telnet session at boot time. This can be handy to fix your system before SSH has started. Telnet will be stopped when SSH has been started.   * ''​telnet''​ will start a telnet session at boot time. This can be handy to fix your system before SSH has started. Telnet will be stopped when SSH has been started.
   * ''​vnc''​ will start VNC server at boot time if VNC stuff has been included in initramfs. For more information please read /​etc/​default/​xbian-initramfs   * ''​vnc''​ will start VNC server at boot time if VNC stuff has been included in initramfs. For more information please read /​etc/​default/​xbian-initramfs
 +  * ''​modules-load=module1=param=value,​module2...''​ this parameter allows loading kernel modules without the need of adding them to /​etc/​modules file or adding a conf file into one of the supported modules-load.d/​ folders. Format is as follows (modules are separated by comma, params by colon): ''​modules-load=moduleA[=paramA1=valueA1[:​parmA2=valueA2][:​...]]][,​moduleB[=paramB1=valueB1]'',​ for example ''​modules-load=bridge,​em28xx=disable_ir=1:​i2c_scan=100:​core_debug=1:​reg_debug=0''​
 A ad-hoc rescue mode exists since version Beta 1. This add the possibility to trigger a ''​rescue''​-like shell by holding down the shift key during boot with an USB attached keyboard. This is possible even with ''​splash''​ as default parameter in cmdline.txt. The shell console is restored during this rescue mode. However, ''​mod_scsi.scan=sync''​ is recommended as opposite to the default ''​mod_scsi.scan=async'',​ because the initramfs phase finish faster then USB devices appear to the system. A ad-hoc rescue mode exists since version Beta 1. This add the possibility to trigger a ''​rescue''​-like shell by holding down the shift key during boot with an USB attached keyboard. This is possible even with ''​splash''​ as default parameter in cmdline.txt. The shell console is restored during this rescue mode. However, ''​mod_scsi.scan=sync''​ is recommended as opposite to the default ''​mod_scsi.scan=async'',​ because the initramfs phase finish faster then USB devices appear to the system.
 You can use ''​init=/​bin/​bash''​ instead of running ''​init=/​sbin/​init''​. The default ''​init''​ is used to start loading services and mount filesystems. When you use ''​init=/​bin/​bash'',​ bash will get the first pid, the rootfs will be at ''/'',​ and the ''/​proc'',​ ''/​run'',​ ''/​sys'',​ ''/​dev''​ will be mounted and populated. All console applications should start normally. However, typing ''​exit''​ to continue booting no longer works, but if you want to continue with the normal boot process, you can type ''​exec /​sbin/​init''​. You can use ''​init=/​bin/​bash''​ instead of running ''​init=/​sbin/​init''​. The default ''​init''​ is used to start loading services and mount filesystems. When you use ''​init=/​bin/​bash'',​ bash will get the first pid, the rootfs will be at ''/'',​ and the ''/​proc'',​ ''/​run'',​ ''/​sys'',​ ''/​dev''​ will be mounted and populated. All console applications should start normally. However, typing ''​exit''​ to continue booting no longer works, but if you want to continue with the normal boot process, you can type ''​exec /​sbin/​init''​.
cmdline.1513188965.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/13 19:16 by Nachteule