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usb_wifi_dongles [2015/06/09 11:49]
usb_wifi_dongles [2015/06/10 17:14] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 **USB WiFi dongles** **USB WiFi dongles**
-All below BASH commands needs to be executed as user '​root'​.\\+Most all below BASH commands needs to be executed as user '​root'​.\\
 Best practice if troubleshooting/​installing WiFi is to login via SSH using the wired interface '​eth0'​. Best practice if troubleshooting/​installing WiFi is to login via SSH using the wired interface '​eth0'​.
Line 9: Line 9:
 To check WiFi status: To check WiFi status:
 <​code>​iwconfig</​code>​ <​code>​iwconfig</​code>​
-Sometimes the WiFi connection cant be established quick enough on boot and you run into troubles if using a shared MySQL database for Kodi/​XBMC.\\ 
-To delay Kodi/XBMC at boot (asuming WiFi is on '​wlan0'​ interface): 
-<​code>​sed -i "​s/​start on started mountall/​start on started mountall and started networking and net-device-up wlan0/"​ /​etc/​init/​xbmc-preload.conf</​code>​ 
 If your WiFi dongle is designated as '​wlan1'​ and you want to change to '​wlan0',​ if not conflicting with other interfaces, you can alter in below file if exists: If your WiFi dongle is designated as '​wlan1'​ and you want to change to '​wlan0',​ if not conflicting with other interfaces, you can alter in below file if exists:
 <​code>​nano /​etc/​udev/​rules.d/​70-persistent-net.rules <​code>​nano /​etc/​udev/​rules.d/​70-persistent-net.rules
 reboot</​code>​ reboot</​code>​
 +Sometimes the WiFi connection cant be established quick enough on boot and you run into troubles if using a shared MySQL database for Kodi/​XBMC.\\
 +To delay Kodi/XBMC at boot (asuming WiFi is on '​wlan0'​ interface):
 +<​code>​sed -i "​s/​start on started mountall/​start on started mountall and started networking and net-device-up wlan0/"​ /​etc/​init/​xbmc-preload.conf</​code>​
 List '​wlan0'​ driver specific parameters: List '​wlan0'​ driver specific parameters:
Line 35: Line 35:
 Firmware blob is already installed at //"/​lib/​firmware/​rtlwifi/​rtl8192cufw.bin"//​.\\ Firmware blob is already installed at //"/​lib/​firmware/​rtlwifi/​rtl8192cufw.bin"//​.\\
 But needs a driver assigned thats already installed:​\\ But needs a driver assigned thats already installed:​\\
-<​code>​echo '​install 8192cu /​sbin/​modprobe --ignore-install 8192cu; /bin/echo "0df6 0077" >| /​sys/​bus/​usb/​drivers/​rtl8192cu/​new_id'​ | sudo tee /​etc/​modprobe.d/​8192cu.conf+<​code>​echo '​install 8192cu /​sbin/​modprobe --ignore-install 8192cu; /bin/echo "0df6 0077" >| /​sys/​bus/​usb/​drivers/​rtl8192cu/​new_id'​ | tee /​etc/​modprobe.d/​8192cu.conf
 echo "​options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0"​ >> /​etc/​modprobe.d/​8192cu.conf echo "​options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0"​ >> /​etc/​modprobe.d/​8192cu.conf
 echo "​8192cu"​ >> /​etc/​modules echo "​8192cu"​ >> /​etc/​modules
 reboot</​code>​ reboot</​code>​
usb_wifi_dongles.1433843371.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/09 11:49 by deHakkelaar